Are you looking to purchase a property? You probably understand how important it is that you get value for your hard-earned money. One way is by gathering as much information as possible about the property. The information you collect will not only tell you more about the property but also help you avoid extra future costs on repairs. It is vital to inspect the property in person properly. Arranging to acquire a building inspection report is also just as important. The report is a summary of the property put into writing. Do you need this report? Yes, you do. This report will help you know the possible problems of the building, so you prepare in advance how you will get them repaired. The report will also help you negotiate the property price, so yes, you can save yourself a few bucks.
So what are the contents of a building inspection report?
General Information
There is a summary of the inspected interior, exterior, roof and the site of the property. In the interior, the specialist will inspect the floors, walls and ceiling, and note the problems they find. The water system and electrical wiring will also be inspected. On the exterior, the walls, outer roof and sewer system will be inspected and captured on the report. On the site, the garage, driveway and fence will be inspected and captured.
Other Information
Information such as your name and address is part of the report. The report further indicates the date and reason for carrying out the inspection. On the report, the inspector will list all the possible problems with the property that you will need to fix. The report also contains a call for action; for instance, a recommendation to carry out further inspection, e.g. pest inspection. This report, in a nutshell, is a summary of the property condition.
The building inspection report only summarises the property condition at the time of inspection. However, it does not capture all aspects. Such things as swimming pools, water systems and alarm systems are not part of the report. Drainage systems, air conditioning systems and fireplaces are not on the report. The report will also not capture appliances such as dishwashers and vacuum systems.
A building inspection report is a vital tool during the purchase of a property. Now that you know its content, you know what to expect. Carefully study the report and make a wise decision. Use it to prepare for possible repairs and also to negotiate the price.